Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Hint JumpStart Solaris 10

  1. Package add the JET framework and other modules you require on to the prospective JumpStart server.
  2. # pkgadd -d SUNWjet.pkg JetEISCD JetSDS JetVXVM
  3. Add /opt/SUNWjet/bin to your PATH variable

  4. Edit /opt/SUNWjet/etc/jumpStart.conf

  5. Set up the Solaris media for the JumpStart
  6. # copy_solaris_media
    # add_solaris_location
  7. If you want an EIS CD build for the client, copy the eis-cd patches etc to the server
  8. # copy_eiscd
  9. Create a template for the client using
  10. # make_template client_name
  11. Edit the template in /opt/SUNWjet/Templates/client_name

  12. Set up the server to jumpStart the client using
  13. # make_client client_name
  14. JumpStart the client from "ok prompt"
ok > boot net - install - w